Monday, December 3, 2012

HEroes and SHEroes :)


     Discrimination? It is treating people differently, negatively or adversely because of their race, age, religion or sex. 
      Every individual needs to be treated justly and fairly. Having different races, ages or religion is not an excuse for us to discriminate our fellow human. Chances and responsibilities should be open to everybody.  
      Men discriminating women had became a big issue to everybody. Some women had lost their confidence to fight their rights. This discrimination had became a hindrance for women to achieve their dreams. 
       We have been created by God in his own image. No one is higher or lower than the other. God called us to love, respect and give fairness to every individual. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012


     Have you experienced sudden changes in the weather? For instance at one moment the sky is clear and bright, then suddenly you hear from the radio that a typhoon is approaching.
     Have you also experienced unusual weather conditions? For instance, you are traveling in a car one sunny day; then you pass by a place where it is raining hard; then farther on, the road is dry with no trace of rain at all.
     The weather may be fair in some days but cold and rainy on other days. During certain months, typhoons come one after another. At other times, there are no typhoons for a long period of time. But what does this weather really mean?
     Scientifically, weather is the state of the atmosphere at any given time, which varies considerably from place to place, day to day, and season to season. On the other hand, the long term look at the weather in a place or region is called climate.
     At present, we are suffering from this so called climate change. One such occurrence affecting the climate globally is El Niño, which affect much the global economy such as decrease in crop yields, prices of commodities starts to rise and worst is starvation. Second occurrence is La Niña, an irregular recurring upwelling of unusual cold water to the ocean surface along western coast of South America.
     As Mark Twain once said, “The weather is always doing something… Always getting up to see how they will go.”
     As concerned citizens, we have to be aware of what’s happening around us. We should also monitor signs of weather and do things which can lessen the destruction of lives, crops and property. In this way, we can respond to the climate change.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tick Tack says the Clock..

     "TIME IS GOLD!" -- This is one of the famous sayings I've ever known. And truly, time ticks so fast. It's almost the end of Second Quarter and I'm half to the end. In my second quarter, I have learned a lot of things just like before. Every time I open my computer, I always see this Notepad and the things inside it like the HTML codes. I never became interested to things until such time that our teachers taught us.     Yes! That's true, our two teachers in ICT IV, taught us how to use this notepad. Not only how to use it, but also the things inside it which we call HTML Tags. My curiosity turned into excitement after I have learned these things.
     And still, I have encountered problems this grading. I still cram my blogs . I also remain hard-headed which I hate the most. How can I remove this sickness of mine? :)
     Well, just like in math, we need solutions in order to solve problems. Just like me, I solved my problems through praying to God and asking advises from my parents.
     After this grading period, I will do my very best, focus on my studies and be more responsible.

Be Proficient Enough..

     We never missed a year to celebrate the so called English Month. This year, we live up to the theme "“Upholding English Proficiency for Communicative Competence” which main purpose is to challenge student to be proficient enough in English language.

     English language has been and forever will be a part of lives for it is one of the most widely used language in this world. We use it to communicate with people all around the world. 

     In accordance to the English month, the English Club Officers conducted activities which they think can widen and uphold the English proficiency through competing with their fellow students like smart talk, oratorical, declamation and jazz chants.

     This year's main highlight is to keep the English language burning in the hearts of every individual in our country.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

For the Future..


     Everyone seems to be talking about energy conservation. But what do we mean by energy conservation? Energy conservation means making an effort to reduce the consumption of natural energy sources like electricity, water and so on.
     We depend on energy for almost everything in our lives. We wish to make our lives comfortable, productive and enjoyable. Hence even if the outside temperature rises a little, we immediately switch on the air conditioner to keep our house cool. This is again using up of energy. Unfortunately, what we do not realize is that we have starting taking things for granted and we have started wasting energy unnecessarily. Most of us forget that energy is available in abundance but it is limited and hence to maintain the quality of life, it is important that we use our energy resources wisely.
     If we do not conserve energy, the energy will exhaust and we will have nothing to use. Also, energy conservation is also important when it comes to climate change. Currently, erratic climates and climatic changes are the greatest threats that we are facing today. Hence it is important to conserve energy.
    Embracing an energy efficient lifestyle today will help you get a better life tomorrow. So let us slow down the demand for energy and give a better future for our coming generation.

Monday, September 17, 2012

My Teacher, My Hero!


     There is no other profession like teaching. It can be very exciting, depressing, rewarding, exhausting and can be extremely fun. Teaching is a very demanding career to choose. It is also the most rewarding one. A person who will choose to become a teacher someday should understand and know the importance of imparting something to your students.
     Teacher should also play a different role in the classroom: educator, guide, counselor, facilitator, moderator, coach, disciplinarian and motivator. They should also be ready for the demands outside the classroom: computing grades, making lesson plans, doing visual aids, checking papers and some other school related which they cannot do inside the class. They should also be prepared in playing a role within the team: combine efforts and ideas with their mentors, colleagues, supervisors, as well as parents to create a good environment conducive for learning and to develop new skills and techniques in Teaching. They should also continue to upgrade or update tin learning new things and techniques and should always find a way to encourage students to learn to reach their full potential. 
     Teachers in my country, are considered as the modern day heroes. They are the ones who gave their lives just to provide the right education needed by the children in any parts of the country. They shoulder a very difficult task of providing a better education to the country's future leaders. 
     With these qualities, teachers are the heroes we encounter everyday. Most days, they are rarely appreciated for their efforts, and yet, it is them who keep us from submitting to the tragedies that man’s worst enemy — himself — often bringing. Failure, duplicity, deceit, selfishness, pride and sloth. As their students, we fight such enemies early in our loves. As our teachers, they are the modern heroes — they do not slay monsters. They save us from becoming one.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Big M For HERO!

       You can be a hero. I can be a hero. All of us can be  hero. Hoooow? Just be yourself! You don't need to go  to super malls, bargain with people, go to markets and look for boutiques where you can buy superpowers.

     When I was a kid, the people I only knew who are superheroes with superpowers were Batman, Superman with big S on his chest, Wonder woman and Spider man who climbs every wall he can see.
     But as I grow old, I have realized that we, ordinary people can be like them. We can be superheroes with no superpowers. I consider myself as a hero as well as my mother. She's a hero. She has carried me in her womb for 9 months, supervised me in my everyday life, done everything for me without expecting so much in return. Thus, for me, she's a hero.
    Just be yourself. Save life. Expect nothing. Be happy. Be batman. Be a hero! :)


  We've been using the Filipino language ever since Manuel L. Quezon  administered this. As a gratitude to what he has done, we celebrate every year the Buwan ng Wika. This year’s theme is “Tatag ng Wikang Filipino, Lakas ng pagka-Pilipino”, which says that wikang Filipino holds a great responsibility in each life of every Filipino.
  It was December 30, 1937 when Manuel L. Quezon declared Filipino language as the language of the Filipinos. Thus, this language served as a way for us to communicate with each other. It also talks about the toughness of the Philippines.
  As a Filipino, we should respect, love and be thankful for our Filipino language because by this we are easily known by others. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Still Counting..

           Every hour, minute and second of my life, I always learn something from my teachers, friends, parents, and the people around me.
           In my ICT IV, I have learned that as I student, I should have the word "time management" in my vocabulary. I need to balance my time in order to accomplish all the tasks I need to do. My teacher in this subject didn't fail my expectations because more than that, she has taught us well about the internet, how to deal with it, and how to communicate or express our ideas to everybody surfing the internet through this BLOG.
           25 % of my fourth year life is almost over. I have faced many challenges like rushing my projects especially my blog which I need to have an ample time to brainstorm and edit my posts. There are times that I can't almost listen to my teachers discussing because my mind is in the air, thinking about my projects. That's another problem because, I don't understand the lesson then I got low scores in the quizzes.
           I didn't loss hope and faith in God in facing these problems I have encountered. Instead, it made me brave and strong enough to overcome these.
           Moving on, I will study hard. I will lessen the time allotted for computers and cellphones. Instead I will have an advance reading in order to cope up to our lessons.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


          President Benigno "Noynoy" S. Aquino III delivered his Third State of the Nation Address (SONA) during a joint session to mark the opening of the third regular session of the 15th Congress of the Philippines at the Batasan Pambansa Complex in Quezon City on Monday, July 23, 2012.
          His SONA lasted for about one and a half hour, where he noted the changes that his administration achieved in the past two years and thanking the Filipino people for making it happen. His SONA was interrupted over 100 times with applause.
          As a student, I have seen that Mr. President had gone so far in his 2-and-a half years of administration. I have seen that he is doing his very best in everything he do in order to uplift our country. All the projects he already finished and his plans are mentioned in his SONA. He was particularly proud of the eight positive credit rating actions, all of which came along through his administration. Aquino also mentioned that in the first quarter of 2012, our GDP grew 6.4 percent, much higher than projected, the highest growth in the Southeast Asian region, and second only to China in the whole of Asia. He also took particular mention of the business process outsourcing industry, which contributes around 10 percent of the country’s gross domestic product. He  also said that the improvement of infrastructure is intertwined with the growth of the tourism industry.
          These are just some of the projects he had done for us but we are still hoping and praying that he can do all the things he promised to his bosses. Let us hold hands and work together for the good of our nation.

Deal with Veggies!

     We celebrate yearly the Nutrition Month in order for us Filipinos to be more aware of what can vegetables give to our body. This year's Nutrition Month celebration’s theme is "Pagkain ng gulay ugaliin, araw-araw itong ihain!" The theme focuses on encouraging Filipinos to increase consumption of vegetables to address micronutrient deficiencies and prevent non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.

     People nowadays are so much conscious of their health and their body. They eat more meat than vegetables. They think that through this way, they can maintain their health and their body. People who are like this are the people who don’t have enough knowledge about what vegetables can give to our body. One reason veggies are important is that they’re naturally filled with good-for-you vitamins your body needs!Your body doesn’t make vitamins – you have to give them to your body through the foods you eat. There are even some vitamins your body needs you to be gobbling up regularly, which is why you should eat vegetables every day. Vegetables are also really low in calories and full of healthy fiber.
     Eating right is very important -- it can be easy and fun to eat foods that are good for you like fruits and vegetables… not to mention that it can be tasty, too!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hoping and Praying ..

Ilocos Sur National High School
Vigan City                                     
July 4,2012

Benigno S. Aquino III
President, Republic of the Philippines
Malacañang Palace

Dear Mr. President,
It was May 10, 2010 when you were luckily elected as the 15th President of the Republic of the Philippines. You were voted by millions of citizens in our country. Most of those who voted you were mesmerized with your fruitful campaign speeches telling us “Sawa na ba kayo sa tiwaling gobyerno at namumunong tumatahak sa balikong daan? Tayo na’t tumungo sa daang matuwid. “These words were tattooed in our minds and hearts that’s why we keep on hoping and waiting for some significant changes in our country.
     You hold the highest position and we all know that this is a hard job because you manage the whole country. You also need to be aware of the scenarios happening around you. Specially, you need to be open-minded to the current problems our country is facing nowadays. You also implemented projects that you think can uplift our country. You were able to set in place a legal system that will pursue a just and equitable adjudication of all the pending big legal cases like Chief Justice Renato Corona’s. You have given notice to the corrupt officials of the government that you are not tolerating any form of corruption.
Thus, I salute you not because you are a perfect president but for doing your best for the good of everybody. Continue your good governance and you transparency as a president. May God bless and shower more blessings upon you.

Respectfully Yours,
Raiza Aljen Par