Wednesday, September 26, 2012

For the Future..


     Everyone seems to be talking about energy conservation. But what do we mean by energy conservation? Energy conservation means making an effort to reduce the consumption of natural energy sources like electricity, water and so on.
     We depend on energy for almost everything in our lives. We wish to make our lives comfortable, productive and enjoyable. Hence even if the outside temperature rises a little, we immediately switch on the air conditioner to keep our house cool. This is again using up of energy. Unfortunately, what we do not realize is that we have starting taking things for granted and we have started wasting energy unnecessarily. Most of us forget that energy is available in abundance but it is limited and hence to maintain the quality of life, it is important that we use our energy resources wisely.
     If we do not conserve energy, the energy will exhaust and we will have nothing to use. Also, energy conservation is also important when it comes to climate change. Currently, erratic climates and climatic changes are the greatest threats that we are facing today. Hence it is important to conserve energy.
    Embracing an energy efficient lifestyle today will help you get a better life tomorrow. So let us slow down the demand for energy and give a better future for our coming generation.

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