Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tick Tack says the Clock..

     "TIME IS GOLD!" -- This is one of the famous sayings I've ever known. And truly, time ticks so fast. It's almost the end of Second Quarter and I'm half to the end. In my second quarter, I have learned a lot of things just like before. Every time I open my computer, I always see this Notepad and the things inside it like the HTML codes. I never became interested to things until such time that our teachers taught us.     Yes! That's true, our two teachers in ICT IV, taught us how to use this notepad. Not only how to use it, but also the things inside it which we call HTML Tags. My curiosity turned into excitement after I have learned these things.
     And still, I have encountered problems this grading. I still cram my blogs . I also remain hard-headed which I hate the most. How can I remove this sickness of mine? :)
     Well, just like in math, we need solutions in order to solve problems. Just like me, I solved my problems through praying to God and asking advises from my parents.
     After this grading period, I will do my very best, focus on my studies and be more responsible.


  1. "TIME IS GOLD" Its true! we should have to use our time wisely. As a student in every seconds that we are together, We should have to enjoy it. I known you can do your best. :)

  2. Time Management my friend this was the only solution to your problem and use you time wisely don't waste it. :))

  3. In this article I found out that you really growing up. You must do your best to be better. I know you can make it for the next grading period...

  4. A little bit more patience. There are only two more grading periods so try yourselves to study harder and do your best until you will reach your goal in life. God Bless!

  5. Time management !!
    Don't back down to your problems !!
    Face them !!
