Thursday, January 3, 2013

OLD ME? Nahh..


   We have just experienced the finale of the Christmastide with spirit of joy and goodwill. New Year is enough to feel the spirit of it – which illumines our souls- the spirit that transforms into reality.
   This New Year, I expect myself to be better, for they say, “NEW YEAR,NEW START,NEW HOPE.” This 2013, I want to know myself deeper. I’ll be responsible enough to the things I need to take good care. Developing myself in order to be a trustworthy person would be one of my goals this year.  Lastly,  I will do things which will make my parents proud of me.
   New Year’s time is the most appropriate time to bury all grudges, time to forget all wrongs suffered and injuries received.
Love should always reign in all hearts. Happy New Year! J

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