Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas in our Hearts!

I am curious how would Santa Claus answer me if I were to interrogate him, “What’s the real essence of Christmas and where can we find it? Does it mean just having parties, gifts, new shoes, toys and plenty of money?
For me, Christmas is not about the small c’s which are cash, clothes, cards and also claus. It is about the Christ who was born in a manger. Christmas is the time to rejoice for having Christ in our lives.  It is also time for giving and sharing what we have and forgiving the people who have sinned against us.   But nowadays, many of us have forgotten the real meaning of Christmas. Some children grow up having in mind that Santa Claus is real and he’s the reason for Christmas. Many are busy buying their new shoes and clothes, some are preparing for parties, while few are busy praying to God.  We have forgotten that Christmas is for CHRIST and not for this fat Santa.
True essence of Christmas can only be found in our hearts. Christmas glow starts to spread when the humble hearts forgive and the kind hearts give.

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