Monday, August 6, 2012

Still Counting..

           Every hour, minute and second of my life, I always learn something from my teachers, friends, parents, and the people around me.
           In my ICT IV, I have learned that as I student, I should have the word "time management" in my vocabulary. I need to balance my time in order to accomplish all the tasks I need to do. My teacher in this subject didn't fail my expectations because more than that, she has taught us well about the internet, how to deal with it, and how to communicate or express our ideas to everybody surfing the internet through this BLOG.
           25 % of my fourth year life is almost over. I have faced many challenges like rushing my projects especially my blog which I need to have an ample time to brainstorm and edit my posts. There are times that I can't almost listen to my teachers discussing because my mind is in the air, thinking about my projects. That's another problem because, I don't understand the lesson then I got low scores in the quizzes.
           I didn't loss hope and faith in God in facing these problems I have encountered. Instead, it made me brave and strong enough to overcome these.
           Moving on, I will study hard. I will lessen the time allotted for computers and cellphones. Instead I will have an advance reading in order to cope up to our lessons.